How-to Videos

StudyPlace Overview

Quick Summary of StudyPlace for Home School Organizations looking for a Smart Solution (6:15)

Video: StudyPlace Online Classes For New Families

This video demonstrates what the student experience is like taking online classes powered by StudyPlace. (1:51)

Video: Set Up Summary for StudyPlace

Text Version: Set Up Summary

Explains the setup configuration process and provides an orientation of the StudyPlace system.

Set Up Series Video 1: Creating Admin Accounts

Text Version: Creating Admin Accounts

Instructs Super Admins on how to add administrative accounts.

Set Up Series Video 2: Establishing Accounts

Text Version: Establishing Accounts

Demonstrates how to create accounts for your tuition and fees.

Set Up Series Video: Setup Preferences

These tasks must be completed by a Super Admin.

Set Up Series Video: Defining Recurring Schedules

How-To Video #5 of Set Up Series:
This is the fifth of 13 videos in the Set Up series. The video will show you how to define your recurring schedules. (2:05)

Set Up Series Video: Defining Terms

How-To Video #6 of Set Up Series:
This is the sixth of 13 videos in the Set Up series. The video will provide instructions on how to define your academic year, terms, and payment schedules. (6:37)

Set Up Series Video: Establishing Fee Codes

How-To Video #7 of Set Up Series:
This is the seventh of 13 videos in the Set Up series. The video will demonstrate how to establish your fee codes. (4:44)

Set Up Series Video: Breaks/Levels/Locations

How-To Video #8 of Set Up Series:
This is the eighth of 13 videos in the Set Up series. This video will demonstrate how to enter your school breaks, levels, and locations. (3:08)

Set Up Series Video: Building Option Lists

How-To Video #9 of Set Up Series:
This is the nineth of 13 videos in the Set Up series. This video will demonstrate how to build option lists used for this like course categories. (2:25)

Set Up Series Video: Adding Teachers to StudyPlace

How-To Video #10 of Set Up Series:
This is the tenth of 13 videos in the Set Up series. The video will demonstrate the process of adding teachers to StudyPlace. (3:30)

Set Up Series Video: Adding Courses to StudyPlace

How-To Video #11 of Set Up Series:
This is the eleventh of 13 videos in the Set Up series. The video will demonstrate how to add courses to StudyPlace. (4:23)

Set Up Series Video: Email Templates

How-To Video #12 of Set Up Series:
This is the twelfth of 13 videos in the Set Up series. The video demonstrates how to edit email templates. (5:01)

Set Up Series Video: Creating Family Service Jobs

How-To Video #13 of Set Up Series:
This is the final video in the Set Up series. The video will demonstrate how to create family service or volunteer jobs. (9:54)

How-To Video: Uploading Images and Documents

This video will demonstrate how to upload an image or document to the system. (4:02)

How-To Video: Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

This video provides an overview of the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) feature. (2:36)

How-To Video: Resetting Passwords

This video demonstrates the process of resetting passwords in the StudyPlace system. (1:45)

How-To Video: Enrollment Counts

This video teach you how to read and interpret the enrollment count information available in StudyPlace. (3:13)

How-To Video: Waitlist Management

This video will familiarize you with the waitlist management features of StudyPlace including how to set minimum, maximum, and maximum waitlist levels of courses, how to approve/disapprove seats, how to convert waitlist seats to held seats, and when courses move from open to waitlisted to closed. (5:10)

How-To Video: Administrative Enrollments

This video demonstrates the quick and easy administrative enrollment process. (2:14)

How-To Video: Approve/Disapprove Seats

This video will walk you through the process of approving or disapproving seats. (1:31)

How-To Video: Seat Drop

This video demonstrates how to drop a seat from a course section. (5:28)

How-To Video: Automated Invoices and Payment Tracking

This video will familiarize you with how to read and track family invoices and payments. (3:16)

How-To Video: Loginas Tool

This video demonstrates how administrative personnel can use the loginas tool to view what the family sees when they login to their account. (1:11)

How-To Video: Entering Payments

This video will walk you through the process of entering check payments and recording bounced checks. (3:17)

How-To Video: Creating a Special Family Payment Plan

This video teach you how to create payment plans for families. (2:18)

How-To Video: Teacher Contributions

This video will depict how to account for classes being taught for free and teachers giving up a portion of their compensation to reduce the family tuition cost. (2:13)

How-To Video: Suspending Invoices

This video will show you how to suspend a family's invoice and what it means to suspend an invoice. (1:30)

How-To Video: Teacher Payments

This video will familiarize you with the process of paying teachers for their service and how to download teacher payment reports. (6:52)

How-To Video: Adding Associated Credits

This video demonstrates how administrative personnel can add associated credits to specific enrollment charges. (5:16)

How-To Video: Unrelated Credits

This video will walk you through the process of issuing an unrelated credit to a family. (1:22)

How-To Video: Unrelated Debits

This video will walk you through how to issue unrelated debits to a family. (1:23)

How-To Video: Refunds

This video demonstrates how to add a refund check into the system. (1:10)

How-To Video: Printable Reports

This video will show you where to find printable reports and how the reports may differ depending whether it is intended for administrative personnel, families, or teachers. (2:58)

How-To Video: Building a Report

Building your own reports is an option made available to StudyPlace users. This video will explain the process of building and running your own reports. (6:25)

How-To Video: Family Service Management

This video will demonstrate how to manage the family service component of StudyPlace including how to print the volunteer schedule for the week, how to record attendance, how to interpret the volunteer service summary, and how to declare a family as an exception to the volunteer requirement hours. (7:23)

How-To Video: Family Enrollment Process

This video will walk you through the family experience of creating an account, choosing courses, and confirming reservations in the enrollment system. (5:59)

How-To Video: 24-Hour Family Self-Help Features

This video will familiarize you with the self help features available to families with StudyPlace. (2:55)

How-To Video: Family Volunteer Sign Ups

This video will demonstrate the family experience signing up for volunteer hours using StudyPlace. (2:47)

How-To Video: Teacher Desktop

This video will familiarize you with the teacher interface where teachers can view the enrollment counts in their courses and the students registered, approve or disapprove student seats, and can reference what they will be compensated. (4:26)

How-To Video: Course Materials

This video will show teachers how to upload course materials such as homework, syllabus, and tests to StudyPlace. (5:44)

How-To Video: Adding Course Assets

This video will demonstrate how to add assets (such as syllabus, prospectus, placement tests, etc) to a course. (3:15)

How-To Video: Course Options

This video will provide step-by-step instructions for creating and administering course options. (14:19)

How To Video: Posting Assignments

This video will demonstrate for teachers how to post assignments for their students to view. (10:48)

How-To Video: Uploading Files

This video demonstrates how to upload files so that they can be added as resources or handouts later. (1:15)

How-To Video: Course Resources

This video will demonstrate how to add resources to a course and an activity. (4:43)

How-To Video: Editing Assignments Due

This video will demonstrate how to edit assignments due. (6:19)

How-To Video: Adding & Monitoring Student Notes

This video will demonstrate how to add and monitor student notes. (3:41)

How-To Video: Posting Messages for Admin

This video will demonstrate how Administrative personnel can post messages for families, teachers, and students. (8:17)

How-To Video: Posting Messages for Teachers

This video will demonstrate for teachers how to manage their messages and how to post messages for students and families enrolled in course sections that they are teaching. (5:26)

How-To Video: The Teacher Login Process

This video will demonstrate for teachers how to log into their teacher account for the first time after receiving the Welcome Email. (7:00)