Article: Adding Course Assets
A course asset can be any type of supporting documentation that is linked to a specific course. Some organizations add course prospectuses or placement tests as an asset in their databases. Uploading these documents to the StudyPlace system and then linking them to a particular course will allow families to access them in the school’s course list. Watch a How-To Video or follow instructions below.

  1. Upload a course asset:

    -Go to Set Up
    -Click the Courses icon


    -Select the course in the list
    -Select the term of the course that you want the asset to apply
    -Click the Assets button


    -The window that opens is divided into two halves
    -Click the Add button in the bottom half to open the Upload Document window


    -Click the Select File button which will allow you to search for the document (in this case the Prospectus for the course you selected before clicking the Asset button) to be uploaded in your files


    -Select the file
    -Click the Choose button


    -Click the Upload Selected File button


  2. Link the file to a course:

    -Select the file you just uploaded in the bottom half of the window
    -Then click Add Selected Document button above in the top half of the window


    -In the Type column, use the drop down arrow to select the type of asset you are linking to the course (in this case a prospectus)
    -Then click the Update button


  3. Add a direct link to the asset from your website (Optional):

    -Select the linked document in the top half of the window
    -Click the Copy External URL to Clipboard button to open a window with the URL


    -Click Control-C to copy it to your clipboard
    -Click the Close button to close the window


    -Then paste the URL where you need it in the code on your website being sure to note which course asset the URL is for

  4. Change the Asset Name:

    -Go to Administrative Interface
    -Click CMS


    -Click Documents


    -In the top section, select the asset you want to rename
    -In the middle section, change the Title field. (Whatever you enter here will be the text link in the course list. We recommend the using an abbreviation of the course name, a dash, and the type of asset. No spaces should be contained in the Title field.)
    -Click Update


Repeat all steps for each course asset
See Also

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