LMS Article: Posting Homework
Posting Assignments
(Watch the How-To Video: Posting Assignments)

  1. From the Teacher Interface screen, click the Classes icon


  2. Click on the line of the course to select it from among the list of courses that you teach. This will automatically open to the Schedule tab of the class window where you can see a list of the class meeting dates and items due.


  3. Click the Course Tab.


  4. Here you’ll notice that the course meeting numbers (# column) are displayed along with the Week Of date. The second meeting of each Week Of date is shown in green to distinguish it from the first meeting of that week. To change the meeting title that appears here or add an introduction, click the line of the meeting number for which you want to post the assignment and then the Edit button.

  5. In the window that opens, type in another title and/or add an introduction. Then click save.


  6. Now move your attention to the section titled, “Course Activities by Selected Meeting.” Since there are a variety of activities that may make up an assignment we use the term activities here. For example one assignment could have both a reading activity and a lab activity. If that’s the case you can choose to separate the assignment into two activities. Or, if you’d rather, you can title the activity Homework and list the different activities within this one posting.

  7. Click the Add button.

  8. Complete the form:
    - Enter an activity title in the Title field.
    - Choose the type of activity from the list in the drop down menu.
    - In the due field, select from among the options listed here.

    Note: if you don’t see an option here that exactly suits your need you can select one that comes close and then modify it. For example, you can select "1 week after class begins" and then delete the 1 week and make it 2 weeks instead.

    - In the points field, add the number of points this activity is worth in your grade weight.
    - In hours field, estimate the amount of time your students will spend on this activity.
    - In the sort field, choose how you want this to appear in the list of activities for this assignment. For instance, if you want the reading done before the lab, you would assign it 1 here and then when you create the lab activity you’ll assign that one 2.
    - If you aren’t using grade groups right now you can skip that. If you have set up grade groups, they will appear here when you click the down arrow and then you can select from among them.
    - Enter an internal note if you want.
    - If you don’t want the activity visible to students yet, click in the check box labeled draft.
    - Then enter the instructions for the activity. To add a website link to your assignment text use this code:
    Click here to go to website.The information in the opening brackets is the url you want to direct people to.
    The text between the opening and closing brackets is what people will read.
    The information in the brackets at the end will close the link.
    The urlnew code will tell the system to open the website in a new window when clicked.
    - Click Add when you are done.


  9. After clicking Add, you will be returned to the previous screen. You’ll notice that by adding this activity the system automatically added an associated handout and item due. So now you need to go and edit the info in those two areas.


  10. Handout: First, click the line of the handout to enable the buttons at the top.
    -To Delete: If you don’t really have any handouts for this activity you can delete it by using the delete button and confirming yes in the dialog box.
    -To Edit: Use the Edit button


  11. Replace the name handout with your own text, choose when to make it visible to the students from the drop down list, enter instruction text, and then click Update.


  12. Item Due: First, click the line of the item due to enable the buttons at the top.
    -To Delete: Use the delete button and confirm yes in the dialog box.
    -To Edit: Use the Edit button


  13. Replace any text that you see in the title field with your own text, choose when to make it visible to students from the drop down list, select and/or modify the due date from the drop down list, enter instruction text if you want to, and then click Update.

    Note: There are many more options here that you can choose to use if you want, but it is not required. Watch the How To Video on Editing Items Due for more information on your options here.


  14. Now you have to create a link to the handout. Click the line of the handout and then the Manage Files button.

    Note: This step presumes that you've already uploaded the handout document into the system. For instructions on how to upload files watch the How-To Video on Uploading Files


  15. Find the handout document in the available lists section, select it, and click Add to Handout List. Then close the window.


  16. Adding Activity Resources: Since activities may involve work taken from a resource such as a textbook or website, you may want to link them to the specific assignment even if it has already been linked to the course.

    Note:Resources must be added at the Course level before they can be added at the activity level. Watch the How-To Video on Adding Course Resources for more on that.

    -Select the activity and then click Activity Resources.


    -Click Add and then select the text book from the list of resources, and then click Add.


  17. To view your work so far:

    -Go to the Schedule tab.


    -Click the appropriate meeting to view the associated activities. You can see here for Meeting 1 there is a reading activity with a link to the website and a due date and a lab activity with a link to the lab results handout and a due date. ] To make adjustments to the activities, return to the Course tab and edit either the activity, the handout, or the item due.


  18. Once the assignment appears the way you want it, you can remove it from the Draft mode:

    -Select the activity
    -Click edit
    -Remove the checkmark in the draft checkbox
    -Then click Update.


  19. To add an image to a meeting activity:

    - Click Images and Media here
    - Click upload and select your file from your computer, title it, and choose image as the type. Then click Upload Selected File.


    - Copy the bbcode file name that appears here
    - Close the window
    - Click edit above the list of periods


    - Paste the bbcode file name in the large field
    - Click Update
    - Now go back to the Schedule tab


    - Click the meeting line and then Reload button to see your changes.


    This is how student will see the period and the associated activities, handouts, and items due when they log into their account.

See Also

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